
Hej DemoEX medlemmar!

Mitt namn är Ovid och jag är en internationell student som läser Elektroniskt styre (Electronic Goverment) i Örebro. Jag kom hit för att studera elektronisk demokrati och har hört talas om ert parti från mina svenska vänner. Jag är väldigt intresserad av ert partis erfarenheter och de saker ni lärt er i era försök i mer direkt demokrati.

Den här våren har jag möjlighet att göra ett litet forskningsprojekt – Jag hoppas att jag kommer lära mig lite mer om ert parti, svåigheterna och framgångarna ni har stött på. Jag hoppas att några av er skulle vilja sitta ner och dela med er av era erfarenheter. Om möjligt hoppas jag att jag skulle kunna några intervjuer med er.

Kunskaperna kommer inte bara användbara för mig som vill jobba med direkt demokrati utan jag skulle även vilja skriva en kort artikel för att sprida era erfarenheter gällande direkt demokrati så andra som forskar om elektronisk demokrati kan få nytta av det. De flesta, om inte alla, projekt kring e-deltagande har handlat om att föra ut information från institutioner och inte tvärtom. Ert arbete för att sprida e-demokrati från de som röstar uppåt i hierarkin är ett fräscht tillvägagångssätt. Jag tycker det är värt att lära människor från hela världen om det!

Om ni är intresserade ser jag fram mot att träffas inom några veckor. Innan dess kommer jag förbereda de saker jag vill diskutera med er om tillsammans med min handledare. Om ni är väldigt upptagna skulle jag gärna och öppenhjärtat ta mot information om vem jag ska kontakta (eller berätta att de ska skicka ett pm, eller svara på det här meddelandet). Kanske ni kan sprida vidare att jag är intresserad av diskutera?

Thanks for your time!

Ovid Boyd


Electronic Government International Master’s Student at Örebro University


My name is Ovid and I am an international student studying Electronic Government in Örebro, Sweden. I came here to study electronic democracy, and have heard about a bit about your party from Swedish friends. I am very interested in learning about you and your party’s experiences and challenges in attempting a more direct kind of democracy.

This spring I have the opportunity to conduct a small research project—I am hoping to learn a bit about your party, the difficulties and successes you all have experienced. I hope a few of you would be willing to sit down and share some of your experiences. If possible, I hope I could have some interviews with a few people to get your perspectives.

Much can be learned from your exciting attempts at more participatory democracy. The knowledge would not just be useful for someone who hopes to work for direct democracy, like me, but I would also like to write a short article to share your experiences with others doing research in electronic participation. Most, if not all, e-participation projects I have learned about involve top-down government programs. Your work to spread e-democracy from the voters up to the government is refreshing.

Although I am not Swedish-speaking, I hope you will be interested in sharing your experiences with those from around the world. If you are interested, I hope we can meet face-to-face to discuss your experiences in a few weeks. Let me know if you are, and we can prepare to meet.

Thanks for your time!

Hi Ovid! How nice of you to take interest in the Demoex model. I would be happy to answer your questions - if I can. I would prefer, however, to answer here, in writing. OK?/ Einar


Hey Einar!

I am so glad you’ll tell me a bit about Demoex!  Doing it in writing is no problem.  I am going to do this little project as part of a class, but the class doesn’t start till next week, so maybe I will send you some questions within two weeks howabout?  What is your email address?  You can send it to me at ovid(snabel-a)metamorphica(punkt)net.  Thanks a bunch!

And, would any one else like to talk to me a bit?  I hope several people might, so that I can get more perspectives. 



Hi Ovid amd Demoex-members !
I am like you interested of edemocracy and I am very curious to read your work when you are ready.

I was searching the web for new articles and happenings in the edemocracy front. I found between many others a swedish site named (Please have a look if you want). It is a grupp high educated researchers and experts interested in edemocracy and I wrote a letter to them with a proposition to work for an democratic organisation to replace representative democracy.

Please demoex-members contakt this group and ask if they are interested to collaborate with us on the national level by the elections 2010. Email-to:

Here is a copy of my letter to them. No answer is arrived yet:

To: 25 Mars 2007

Dear democraters in the d2d group.

With big happiness I welcome your initiative and I congratulate you for that effort.

I am a pensioneer and worldcitizen burning for edemocracy.

I am sure that I am not the only who welcomes and supports your initiative.

Hereby I propose to formulate a modern and scientifical definition for democracy practicing on all the levels. Today we talk mainly about two democracies:

   1. Representatative or parlamentarian democracy and,
   2. edemocracy or e-democracy or direktdemocracy and similar.

When it is needed to elect an administrator of any kind of work, we can use the word election there is not defined who the elector is or who the electors are.

A vision is that by the time in the modern democratic society all the companies (inclusive the today private) will become public service companies with a balance without profit.

From now on should exist only one democracy for the public service companies (communities, counties, lands, landorganisations and the UN). The main content and substance of a democracy definition is the constitution of laws and of rulles by the worldcitizens and absolutely not the election of persons ( for persons is used the word election).

The meanings is that it will not be any person to rulle and to decide by himself. It will be the law to rulle. In the democratic society are words as ”director”, ”bord of directors”, ”committee”, (styrelse och ledningsgroup) unknown.

I think it is time for a group like yours to take the initiative for a democratic organisation that can act in the elections 2010.

The goal should be to replace representative democracy by democracy.

Your group-members can function as administrators to fullfil the existing laws for elections. The real object and the only program and manifest of the organisation the voters will elect, will be democracy for referendum to legislate laws.

Probably the succes the first time will be insignificant. The main effort for the action will be to educate the people (especially those with low education) to realise the enormous power they posses and to use correct their vote and to not give it to hesitants.

The parliamentary system has made the worldcitizens passiv and they have lost any hope to better the world on all the levels. This will be the best way to activate the people.

Hereby I propose:

   1. A member fee of 50.- SEK
   2. To order a voting system
   3. To elect the nr of administrators needed to serve the voting system. They will be employed and paid normal salaries.
   4. To organise the paying members concerning their living adress (
   5. To create a homesite with the name www.dimokratia and to make it possible for each member to be represented with a little blog to express opinions about democracy.

      The person could be searchable either by name or by adress, local area, region aso.

      For instance: I live in Trädgårdsvägen 3B, Saltsö-boo. I will can search my street to find out what people in my street or in my region think about democracy and if I want I can contact him to exchange opinions and more….
   6. www.dimokratia can perform advisory referendums about very important questions. As for instance: Participation to EU, production of weapon, exportation of weapon, abolishment of parliamentarisme and similar. The same question could return att the same day every year to make obvious the development. The members can propose questions and the result can be taken by majority.

Good Luck

Fred Blomson

Mobile: 0762 31 56 75.

E-mail to:, Homesite:


This site is history. Direktdemokraterna is the future.