
Increasing the number of members and voters

There are tested many different methods of recruiting and engaging members and voters. We’d love to see our political system as democratic, but we cannot ignore the fact that today’s market economy dominates everything in society and even politics. Political parties present their missions like commercial products and they need a lot of money for it. In the case of direct democracy, one can read that it is possible to buy votes!

Frankly, is it possible to operate and to apply direct democracy in a capitalist society? Is representative direct democracy a solution as some claim?

Historically, the monarchy and dictatorship seems to have dominated the world the longest time. The state of Athens seems to have been a non-market economic experiment and notice that the large number of slaves and all the women did not participate.

Later the bastard representative democracy and the political parties ware established in the shadow of the market economy and sometimes besides military power.

Now we know that globalization is inevitable going on and that information technology is expanding at breakneck speed.

Soon, every youth, in the whole world, will hold an Ipad in the hand and will be aware of the opportunities who are opening up with it.

The Greeks of ancient Athens did not talk about equality but the meaning of direct democracy was to establish justice, among other things.

Today, according to the declaration of human rights is equality generally accepted by all and so is democracy (even if they mean the bastard one and not genuine direct democracy!) How will the dominance of the market economy be limited?

The market economy makes that money is collected in a few and thereby prevents materialistic equality. Taxes can never establish materialistic equality.

Democracy, equality and justice are three “fused together” concepts which, like oil and water, cannot coexist with market economy.

What characterize the Athenian experiment, is dialogue ideology and philosophy.

If we want to increase the number of members and voters, we must ignore the marketing and market economy. We need to concentrate our energy on dialogue and on ideology; our conclusions will join us together. Members who are willing and able to participate can be registered with the image and presentation to be genuine and to produce social cohesion.

We need to discuss what we want to do to save and improve the world and we have to propose laws! E.g. a global law of one child per family!

Then, members and voters can suggest themselves which laws are needed to create equality and justice.

The Athenian democratic experiment needs to be complemented and developed on its own terms to suppress the dominance of the market economy and to subordinate it directly to our democratic laws!

Hereby I propose to replace the party name to Equality Party EP. (Jämlikhetspartiet JP). This is a non-party as ideological equality is widely accepted and applied always, by everyone and everywhere.

The idea is to bring attention away from the old-fashioned partisan politics, party dictatorship and the personality cult, toward laws that we propose, discuss and vote.

Please avoid the word politics, democracy, party etc. Type in the website more about nomokracy, legislative proposals, laws, decisions, ideology, justice, power to the people and that equality and justice is our goal! Is it?

What do you think? I am grateful for an answer!

Fred Blomson

Hi Fred,

I completely agree with your analysis of the market economy intrusion into politics. But I think there are also some good things about the market. (With problem in parentheses.)

  • Freedom of choice. If you have money, you have freedom of choice. (Problem: Many do not have money.)
  • Individual responsibility. People feel more responsible for things that they own themselves. (Problem: Many do not own anything.)
  • Personal risk / gamble. Anyone who has a business idea that it wants to invest in can do that. If things go well, so does the person’s welfare and if things go badly so she loses. (Problem: Many lack ideas.)

    Many think that we should not take any political risks, that is why the political development is much slower than the market. Nor do I believe that the political system can be reconciled with the market economy, but I believe that the systems can complement each other. Democracy offers

  • Equality
  • Collective responsibility
  • Personal security

    So I think that politics and markets are complementary.


  • In regards to your proposal to rename demoex to equality the party. I think it would be a mistake to change the name.

    We have established demoex as the world’s first digital direct democrats in practice. The name is relatively short, it can be used in an international context, it has already begun to spread. A marketing degree would problably say: Demoex is your brand. Promote it.

    Regards Per

    I agree with you when you write: “information technology is expanding at breakneck speed”. Let us not forget that IT has been developed by market forces in our present capitalist society! To propose a global law of one child per family will collide with many religions and can be regarded as inhuman as well as irrational. Finally I agree with you that the website could have more about nomokracy, legislative proposals, laws, decisions, ideology, justice and power to the people.

    Best regards


    This site is history. Direktdemokraterna is the future.